Friday, August 16, 2024

Using ServiceNow IoT Connector for integrating IoT devices with ServiceNow

Using ServiceNow IoT Connector for integrating IoT devices with ServiceNow

Using ServiceNow IoT Connector for integrating IoT devices with ServiceNow

ServiceNow's IoT Connector provides a standardized way to integrate IoT devices with the ServiceNow platform, facilitating both inbound and outbound communication. The IoT Connector allows you to leverage out-of-the-box (OOB) features and minimize the need for customizations while enabling bidirectional integration. Below is a detailed guide on using the ServiceNow IoT Connector for integrating IoT devices with ServiceNow, including key concepts, steps, and where to learn more.

Using ServiceNow IoT Connector - Step-by-Step Guide

1. Introduction to ServiceNow IoT Connector

Key Concepts:

  • ServiceNow IoT Connector provides an out-of-the-box solution to integrate IoT devices directly with the ServiceNow platform. It helps in managing and processing IoT data, and triggering workflows or alerts based on device metrics.


  1. Understanding the Capabilities:

  2. Supported Devices and Protocols:

    • The IoT Connector supports standard protocols like MQTT, HTTP, and WebSockets. It can connect with various IoT platforms and devices.

Where to Learn More:

2. Setting Up the IoT Connector

Key Concepts:

  • Setting up the IoT Connector involves configuring the connection between ServiceNow and your IoT platform, ensuring data can be ingested into ServiceNow.


  1. Connector Installation:

  2. Configure MID Server:

    • MID Server acts as a communication channel between ServiceNow and external IoT devices. Set up and configure the MID Server for your environment.
  3. Connect IoT Devices:

    • Register and connect your IoT devices using the IoT Connector. Configure the devices to send data via supported protocols like MQTT.
  4. Data Ingestion Configuration:

    • Configure the IoT Connector to ingest data into ServiceNow tables, such as the em_event or custom tables, depending on your needs.

Where to Learn More:

3. Processing IoT Data in ServiceNow

Key Concepts:

  • Once data is ingested, it needs to be processed to generate alerts, incidents, or trigger workflows. ServiceNow provides tools for event correlation and incident management.


  1. Event Processing:

    • Use the Event Management module to process incoming IoT data. ServiceNow can correlate multiple events to reduce noise and trigger incidents based on predefined rules.
  2. Incident Management:

    • Automatically create incidents or change requests based on IoT data. For example, if a temperature sensor exceeds a threshold, an incident can be generated in ServiceNow.
  3. Custom Workflows:

    • Develop custom workflows that respond to IoT data, such as triggering maintenance requests, updating the CMDB, or sending notifications.

Where to Learn More:

4. Implementing Bidirectional Communication

Key Concepts:

  • Bidirectional communication allows ServiceNow to not only receive data from IoT devices but also to send commands back to them, enabling actions like device control or configuration changes.


  1. Outbound REST or MQTT Integration:

    • Configure ServiceNow to send commands back to IoT devices. This can be done using outbound REST calls or MQTT messages or use ServiceNow’s Flow Designer or Business Rules to define actions that should be triggered based on certain conditions, such as when an incident is resolved.
  2. Device Control Workflows:

    • Create workflows that automatically send commands to IoT devices based on conditions. For example, resetting a device if it goes offline.
  3. Real-time Updates:

    • Use WebSockets for real-time updates, ensuring that IoT devices and ServiceNow stay synchronized.
Example: Creating an Action Flow
  1. Define a Flow in Flow Designer:

    • Navigate to Flow Designer and create a new flow that listens for specific events, such as the resolution of an incident related to an IoT device.
  2. Add a Trigger Condition:

    • Set the trigger to be when an incident is resolved.
    • Use conditions to filter incidents related to specific IoT devices or CI classes.
  3. Add an IoT Action:

    • Use the IoT Connector’s action steps to send commands back to the IoT devices.
    • Specify the action to be taken (e.g., restart device, adjust temperature) and map the necessary data fields (e.g., CI sys_id, device IP).
  4. Execute the Flow:

    • When the conditions are met, the flow will automatically trigger the action and send the command to the IoT device.

Where to Learn More:

5. Security Considerations

Key Concepts:

  • Security is paramount when integrating IoT devices with ServiceNow. Ensure data is encrypted, authenticated, and access is controlled.


  1. Secure Communication:

    • Use TLS encryption for all communications between IoT devices, the IoT Connector, and ServiceNow.
  2. Authentication and Authorization:

    • Implement strong authentication mechanisms for devices and users interacting with the ServiceNow platform.
  3. Access Control:

    • Define and enforce access control policies within ServiceNow to ensure that only authorized personnel can trigger actions on IoT devices.

Where to Learn More:

6. Testing and Monitoring

Key Concepts:

  • Continuous testing and monitoring ensure that the integration is robust and meets performance expectations.


  1. Testing the Integration:

    • Perform unit, integration, and load testing on the IoT Connector and ServiceNow workflows to ensure they work as expected.
  2. Monitoring the IoT Connector:

    • Use ServiceNow’s monitoring tools to keep track of the IoT Connector’s performance, data flows, and device statuses.
  3. Automated Alerts:

    • Set up automated alerts for any failures or performance issues within the integration.

Where to Learn More:

Next Steps for Learning

For further understanding of the ServiceNow IoT Connector, explore the following resources:

  • ServiceNow Learning: Enroll in ServiceNow training courses that cover Event Management, REST APIs, and IoT integration.
  • Developer Communities: Join ServiceNow communities and forums where you can discuss IoT integrations and share knowledge.
  • Hands-On Labs: Participate in hands-on labs or workshops to practice configuring and using the IoT Connector.

By exploring these resources and following the guide, you can effectively implement and manage IoT integrations with ServiceNow using the IoT Connector.

Advantages of Using ServiceNow IoT Connector

  • OOB Integration: The IoT Connector leverages out-of-the-box capabilities, reducing the need for custom development and ensuring smoother updates and maintenance.
  • Scalability: Easily scale the integration as more IoT devices are added or as the business needs evolve.
  • Centralized Management: Manage and monitor IoT devices alongside other IT assets within the same ServiceNow environment.
  • Extensibility: The IoT Connector is extensible, allowing you to integrate with different IoT platforms and protocols as needed.

Use Cases for Bidirectional Integration with IoT Connector

  1. Automated Incident Response:

    • Automatically send commands to IoT devices (e.g., restart, adjust settings) when specific incidents are resolved or escalated.
  2. Proactive Monitoring:

    • Continuously monitor IoT devices for anomalies or threshold breaches and trigger preventive actions before incidents occur.
  3. Remote Device Management:

    • Allow administrators to remotely manage and control IoT devices directly from the ServiceNow interface, reducing the need for on-site intervention.
  4. Real-Time Analytics:

    • Integrate real-time IoT data with ServiceNow’s analytics and reporting tools to gain insights into device performance and operational efficiency.

By using the ServiceNow IoT Connector, you can achieve seamless bidirectional integration with IoT devices, enabling robust monitoring, incident management, and automated responses.

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