Friday, August 16, 2024

Future of developers within ServiceNow shifting towards low-code/no-code environments

Future of ServiceNow developers

Future of ServiceNow developers

We all know that ServiceNow is indeed moving towards a low-code/no-code framework. This shift is part of a broader industry trend to empower business users and non-developers to create applications and automate workflows without needing extensive coding knowledge.

ServiceNow's platform has introduced several tools and features to support this transition, including:

  1. App Engine Studio: A development environment that allows users to build custom applications with minimal coding. It provides a drag-and-drop interface for creating applications, defining data models, and building user interfaces.

  2. Flow Designer: A tool for automating processes using a no-code interface. It allows users to design workflows by selecting predefined actions and conditions, enabling automation of tasks without writing scripts.

  3. IntegrationHub: A low-code integration solution that allows users to connect ServiceNow with external systems. It provides pre-built connectors and templates for integrating with popular third-party applications.

  4. Decision Builder: A low-code tool that helps create decision logic and rules without coding. It’s useful for implementing business logic in workflows or applications.

  5. UI Builder: A visual development environment that allows users to create custom user interfaces (UIs) with drag-and-drop components, facilitating a no-code approach to UI design.

This move aligns with ServiceNow's goal of making their platform more accessible to a broader audience, enabling quicker development cycles, and reducing dependency on traditional development resources. It's also in response to the increasing demand for rapid digital transformation across organizations.

So, the alarming question is, will there be any scope for developers, when ServiceNow is completely successful in shifting to no-code framework? Let's discuss in detail and deep dive on this thought and have a look on different perspective with solutions.

Even as ServiceNow and other platforms shift towards low-code and no-code frameworks, at high level, it seems there will still be significant opportunities and demand for developers. Here’s why:

1. Complex Customization and Integration:

  • Advanced Solutions: While low-code/no-code tools handle many standard tasks, complex business needs will still require custom solutions that go beyond what these tools can offer. Developers will be needed to create sophisticated workflows, integrations, and applications that can't be fully realized with drag-and-drop interfaces alone.
  • Integration Work: Developers will still be required to integrate ServiceNow with other systems, especially when these integrations involve complex data transformations, security considerations, or legacy systems that don’t have pre-built connectors.

2. Platform Optimization and Performance:

  • Performance Tuning: Low-code/no-code tools can sometimes generate less efficient code. Developers will be necessary to optimize the performance of applications and workflows, ensuring they scale effectively and meet the organization’s needs.
  • Custom Scripting and Logic: Many workflows and applications will still require custom business logic that low-code tools cannot accommodate. Developers will be needed to write custom scripts, such as those using JavaScript in ServiceNow, to implement complex logic.

3. Maintenance and Support:

  • Ongoing Maintenance: Applications and workflows built using low-code/no-code tools still need maintenance, updates, and debugging. Developers will be crucial in maintaining these applications and ensuring they continue to function correctly as the underlying platform evolves.
  • Security and Compliance: Developers will also be needed to ensure that applications meet security and compliance standards, especially in highly regulated industries. They will need to assess and mitigate risks that low-code tools may not fully address.

4. Customization Beyond the Platform’s Capabilities:

  • Extending Functionality: As organizations grow and their needs evolve, they often require features that go beyond what the low-code/no-code tools offer. Developers can extend the platform by creating custom applications, plugins, or modules that meet these new requirements.

5. Innovation and New Features:

  • Building New Capabilities: As organizations seek to differentiate themselves, they’ll need developers to build innovative features or integrations that provide a competitive advantage.
  • Adapting to Emerging Technologies: Developers will be essential in integrating emerging technologies (like AI/ML, blockchain, IoT) into ServiceNow, as these often require a deep understanding of both the technology and the platform.

6. Governance and Best Practices:

  • Enforcing Best Practices: Developers play a key role in ensuring that applications and workflows adhere to best practices, such as proper coding standards, data management, and scalability considerations, which might be overlooked in a no-code environment.
  • Governance: As organizations adopt low-code tools, developers will be needed to create governance frameworks that ensure the solutions built are secure, compliant, and aligned with organizational goals.
So, we can say, low-code/no-code platforms aim to democratize development and make it accessible to a broader audience, they are not a replacement for skilled developers. Instead, they complement developers by enabling them to focus on more complex, value-added tasks rather than routine or repetitive coding. As a result, developers will continue to play a critical role in organizations, particularly in areas requiring advanced technical expertise, innovation, and strategic implementation.

But then, another question arises? Do we still think developer will have any significant role in ServiceNow, when we know that AI logic is also being considered in ServiceNow platform? Well, the integration of AI into platforms like ServiceNow is indeed transformative, but it doesn’t eliminate the need for developers. Instead, it shifts the role and skill set of developers, making them even more essential in several key areas. Here’s why developers will still have a future in ServiceNow even as AI becomes more prevalent:

1. AI Implementation and Customization:

  • Custom AI Solutions: While ServiceNow may offer out-of-the-box AI features, many organizations will require custom AI solutions tailored to their specific business needs. Developers with knowledge in AI and machine learning will be crucial in building, training, and fine-tuning these models.
  • Integration of AI with Business Logic: AI models often need to be integrated with existing business processes and workflows. Developers are required to ensure that AI-driven decisions and predictions align with business logic, compliance requirements, and operational needs.

2. AI Augmentation:

  • Enhancing AI Capabilities: Developers will be needed to enhance AI capabilities, such as by integrating AI with other systems, fine-tuning models based on specific data, or creating new AI-powered workflows that are not part of the default offerings.
  • AI-Driven Customizations: Developers will use AI to create intelligent applications that automate complex decision-making processes, requiring an understanding of both AI and the business context in which it operates.

3. Data Management and Preparation:

  • Data Engineering: AI relies heavily on data. Developers and data engineers will be essential in ensuring that the data fed into AI models is clean, well-structured, and relevant. This involves data integration, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, and ongoing data governance.
  • Training and Testing AI Models: Developers with expertise in AI will be needed to train, test, and validate AI models, ensuring that they perform accurately and fairly across different scenarios.

4. AI Governance and Ethics:

  • Ensuring Responsible AI Use: As AI becomes more embedded in workflows, developers will play a crucial role in ensuring that AI is used responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with regulations. This includes preventing bias, ensuring transparency, and implementing safeguards against unintended consequences.
  • Auditing and Monitoring AI: Developers will need to build systems to monitor AI performance, detect anomalies, and adjust models as necessary. They will also be involved in creating audit trails for AI decisions, which is important for regulatory compliance and accountability.

5. Complex Problem Solving:

  • Beyond AI Capabilities: AI is powerful but not infallible. There will always be edge cases, complex problems, and unique scenarios that AI might not handle well. Developers will be essential in addressing these issues, either by refining AI models or by implementing traditional logic where AI falls short.
  • Hybrid Approaches: Often, the best solutions will involve a combination of AI and traditional development. Developers will need to craft hybrid solutions that leverage the strengths of both AI and traditional coding.

6. Innovation and AI-Driven Features:

  • Creating New AI-Driven Features: Developers will be at the forefront of innovation, using AI to create new features and capabilities that provide competitive advantages. This might include new ways of interacting with data, automating complex workflows, or offering predictive insights that weren't previously possible.
  • Personalizing AI Applications: Developers will also be needed to personalize AI applications to fit the unique needs of different users or departments within an organization, ensuring that AI tools are adaptable and relevant.

7. Security and Compliance:

  • Securing AI Models: AI introduces new security challenges, such as protecting models from being tampered with or ensuring that data used by AI is secure. Developers will need to address these challenges, ensuring that AI models and the data they use are secure from threats.
  • Compliance Management: Developers will be needed to ensure that AI applications comply with various legal and regulatory requirements, especially in sensitive industries like finance, healthcare, or government.

So, the role of developers in the ServiceNow ecosystem is evolving rather than disappearing. With AI becoming more integrated, developers are needed to harness its potential, ensure its effective and ethical use, and push the boundaries of what the platform can do. Far from being obsolete, developers will be crucial in shaping the future of AI-driven solutions within ServiceNow, making their roles even more strategic and impactful.

Now, the question will arise that based on a decade of past experiences with client requirement, it seems client will not go for that complex or innovative sort of customization. As clients nowadays moving toward out-of-box features only and they don't want to invest into customization for long term solution. Having said that, it implies that there will be very little space for developers and down the line, it may be the situation that no work might be left for developers, since client don't want customization on top of out-of-box features of ServiceNow.

Well, above observation highlights a key trend where clients increasingly favor out-of-the-box (OOTB) solutions, particularly in platforms like ServiceNow, where the focus is on quick deployment, reduced costs, and minimizing long-term maintenance. This shift does indeed reduce the need for extensive custom development. However, there are still areas where developers can add value, even within a predominantly OOTB-focused approach:

1. Tailoring OOTB Features:

  • Configuration Over Customization: Even when clients prefer OOTB solutions, these often require some degree of configuration to align with specific business processes. Developers can help in fine-tuning these configurations to ensure they meet the client's unique needs without full-blown customization.
  • Conditional Logic and Workflow Adjustments: Many OOTB features include basic functionality, but developers can adjust workflows and apply conditional logic to make these features more effective for the client’s specific requirements.

2. Integration with Other Systems:

  • Connecting OOTB with External Systems: Even if the core ServiceNow features are used OOTB, organizations often need to integrate these features with other systems (e.g., ERP, CRM, legacy applications). Developers play a crucial role in building and maintaining these integrations.
  • APIs and Web Services: Developers can utilize APIs and web services to extend the functionality of OOTB features, ensuring seamless communication between ServiceNow and other enterprise systems.

3. Optimization and Performance:

  • OOTB Performance Tuning: While clients may avoid heavy customization, they still need their OOTB solutions to be optimized for performance. Developers can focus on optimizing data flows, automating routine tasks, and ensuring that the platform scales effectively.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Developers can create tools or scripts to monitor the performance of OOTB solutions, identifying areas for improvement or potential issues before they impact business operations.

4. User Experience Enhancements:

  • UI/UX Improvements: Even with OOTB solutions, the user interface and experience can often be enhanced. Developers can work on improving the usability of the platform by making small adjustments that improve user workflows and overall satisfaction.
  • Accessibility and Custom Views: Developers can ensure that OOTB features are accessible to all users and can create custom views or dashboards that align more closely with the client’s business processes.

5. Security and Compliance:

  • Ensuring Compliance: Clients may still need to meet specific regulatory requirements that OOTB solutions don't fully address. Developers can implement additional security measures, audit trails, and compliance reporting mechanisms.
  • Security Customizations: While OOTB features provide a baseline of security, developers can enhance these to meet the specific security policies and requirements of the organization.

6. Transition and Change Management:

  • Assisting with Migration: Moving to OOTB solutions often involves migrating from legacy systems. Developers can assist in data migration, ensuring that the transition is smooth and that all critical data is accurately transferred.
  • Training and Documentation: Developers can create training materials and documentation tailored to the OOTB implementation, helping end-users adapt to the new system more effectively.

7. Future-Proofing and Scalability:

  • Preparing for Growth: Even if clients start with OOTB solutions, they may need to scale their implementations as their business grows. Developers can design scalable architectures that accommodate future expansion, ensuring that the OOTB solutions can grow with the organization.
  • Hybrid Solutions: As business needs evolve, clients may eventually require a mix of OOTB and custom solutions. Developers can be prepared to implement customizations as needed, ensuring that the client’s long-term goals are met.

Again, we can say, the focus on OOTB features reduces the need for extensive custom development, it doesn't eliminate the role of developers entirely. Instead, the role shifts towards configuration, optimization, integration, and ensuring that OOTB solutions are effectively tailored to the client’s environment. Developers who can adapt to this changing landscape, focusing on adding value within the constraints of OOTB solutions, will still find meaningful and important work in the ServiceNow ecosystem.

Next developers concern might be that, even if configuration change is needed, that kind of requirement will not require too many developers. As the configuration and optimization can be also handled by level 2 support or non-developers skillset resources, the question still remains same.

Gradually, the concern raised are correct that as the focus shifts towards OOTB solutions and lighter configurations, the demand for traditional developers might decrease, especially for tasks that can be handled by Level 2 support or non-developers. This trend can lead to fewer opportunities for developers to engage in deep customization and complex coding.

1. Changing Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Focus on Automation: As configuration and optimization tasks become more routine and are handled by non-developers, developers might pivot towards automating these processes. This could involve creating tools or scripts that make configuration changes more efficient or even fully automated.
  • DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Developers may take on roles related to DevOps, managing the deployment pipelines, automating testing, and ensuring that updates and changes to the platform are seamlessly integrated without disrupting operations.

2. Higher-Level Development Work:

  • Specialized Expertise: The remaining development roles may become more specialized, focusing on areas where advanced expertise is still required, such as complex integrations, AI-driven enhancements, or deep security customization.
  • Architectural and Strategic Roles: Developers may transition into more strategic roles, such as solution architects or technical consultants, where they guide the overall design and architecture of the ServiceNow implementation, ensuring that it aligns with long-term business goals.

3. Focus on Innovation and Emerging Technologies:

  • AI and Machine Learning: As AI and ML become more integrated into ServiceNow, developers with expertise in these areas will be needed to implement and fine-tune AI models, manage data pipelines, and integrate AI-driven insights into the platform.
  • IoT and New Integrations: Emerging technologies like IoT, blockchain, or advanced analytics will require developers to create new integrations and extend the capabilities of ServiceNow beyond what OOTB features provide.

4. Support for Custom Business Logic:

  • Handling Edge Cases: While many routine tasks can be handled by non-developers, there will still be complex edge cases that require custom business logic or scripts. Developers will be essential in addressing these scenarios, ensuring that the platform can handle unique or complex business requirements.
  • Maintaining and Upgrading Custom Solutions: Even with a focus on OOTB, some organizations may still have legacy custom solutions that need ongoing maintenance, upgrades, or integration with newer OOTB features.

5. Enhanced Governance and Compliance:

  • Governance Roles: Developers could take on roles related to governance, ensuring that all configurations and changes adhere to best practices, security standards, and compliance requirements. This might involve creating and maintaining governance frameworks, as well as auditing configurations to ensure they meet organizational policies.
  • Compliance Automation: Developers can also work on automating compliance checks and reporting, reducing the manual effort needed to ensure that the platform meets regulatory requirements.

6. Focus on User Experience and UI Customization:

  • UI/UX Enhancements: Even within the confines of OOTB features, there is often room to improve the user experience. Developers with a focus on front-end technologies can create custom dashboards, interfaces, and workflows that improve usability and adoption.
  • Personalization: Developers can work on personalizing the platform for different user roles, ensuring that the user interface is tailored to the specific needs of various departments or job functions.

Finally there is twist in our thoughts now. We can say that the shift towards OOTB solutions and configuration-driven approaches does reduce the demand for traditional development roles, it doesn’t eliminate the need for developers entirely. The nature of development work will evolve, with a greater emphasis on automation, strategic planning, specialized expertise, and emerging technologies. Developers who adapt to these changes, focusing on areas where their skills can add the most value, will still find opportunities in the ServiceNow ecosystem, albeit in more specialized or strategic roles.

But, from the very inner heart and mind, the question arises that  UI/UX enhancement and user specific personalization are one time requirement. And the question we are asking with respect to ongoing every quarter work wherein developer work is not so long term and at one time there are no stories for developers. Additionally, there might be great chance that business analysts are left with no new stories in the sprint backlog.

It seems we are touching on a very real challenge that many development teams face when working within platforms like ServiceNow that emphasize OOTB solutions and minimal customization. When the bulk of the work shifts to configuration, support, and minor tweaks, the ongoing need for developers can indeed diminish, leading to periods where there are few or no development stories in the backlog. Here are some strategies to address this situation:

1. Proactive Optimization and Technical Debt Management:

  • Technical Debt Reduction: Developers can focus on identifying and addressing technical debt in the existing implementation. Even in environments that prioritize OOTB solutions, there are often legacy elements, suboptimal configurations, or inefficient workflows that could benefit from cleanup or refactoring.
  • Performance Tuning: Developers can work on ongoing performance optimization, ensuring that the platform continues to run efficiently as data volumes grow or as more users are onboarded.

2. Building and Improving Internal Tools:

  • Automation and Efficiency Tools: Developers can create internal tools or scripts that help other teams, such as business analysts or support teams, work more efficiently. This might include automating routine tasks, building monitoring tools, or creating custom dashboards that provide deeper insights into platform usage.
  • Self-Service Enhancements: Developers can work on enhancing self-service options for end-users, reducing the need for support and enabling users to solve their own issues or make minor configurations.

3. Exploring New Features and Innovations:

  • R&D and Prototyping: When there's a lull in active development work, developers can focus on researching and prototyping new features or integrations that could add value to the business. This might include exploring new ServiceNow modules, experimenting with AI/ML, or investigating other emerging technologies.
  • Continuous Improvement: Developers can work on incremental improvements to existing features, ensuring that the platform evolves with the business. Even small enhancements can lead to significant user experience improvements over time.

4. Cross-Training and Knowledge Sharing:

  • Cross-Training: Developers can spend downtime cross-training in other areas of the platform or related technologies, such as learning more about AI, DevOps, or cloud computing. This not only broadens their skill set but also prepares them to take on new challenges as they arise.
  • Documentation and Best Practices: Developers can work on creating or updating documentation, best practice guides, or training materials. This helps ensure that the knowledge is preserved and that future configurations or customizations are done correctly.

5. Supporting Strategic Initiatives:

  • Supporting Business Analysts: Developers can collaborate with business analysts to identify and scope out potential new initiatives, even if they don’t immediately result in new stories. This could involve exploring how the platform can better support emerging business needs or identifying areas where automation could provide value.
  • Long-Term Planning: Developers can participate in strategic planning sessions, helping to shape the future direction of the platform and ensuring that it aligns with broader business goals.

6. Shifting Focus to DevOps and Continuous Improvement:

  • DevOps Practices: Developers can help implement and refine DevOps practices, ensuring that the platform is continuously integrated, tested, and deployed. This not only improves the reliability of the platform but also prepares the team to rapidly respond to future needs.
  • Monitoring and Observability: Developers can set up advanced monitoring and observability tools to ensure that the platform remains stable and performant. This proactive approach helps catch issues before they become problems, ensuring ongoing platform reliability.

7. Exploring New Business Opportunities:

  • Identifying New Use Cases: Developers, working closely with business analysts, can help identify new business use cases or areas where the platform can be extended to provide additional value. This might involve exploring new ServiceNow modules or integrating with other enterprise systems.
  • Preparing for Future Growth: Developers can work on future-proofing the platform, ensuring that it can easily scale or adapt to new requirements as the business evolves.

So now, we start talking something very serious here, that in environments where the need for active development is minimal or cyclical, developers can shift their focus to areas like optimization, internal tools, continuous improvement, and strategic planning. This approach ensures that they remain engaged and productive, even during periods where there are few immediate development stories. By taking a proactive approach to platform management and innovation, developers can continue to provide value, even in a landscape that increasingly emphasizes OOTB solutions and minimal customization.

But who knows, this kind of work even will not last long and eventually client will have no budget to keep even few developers onboard. As the demand for traditional development work decreases, especially with clients focusing on OOTB solutions and minimal ongoing customization, there will be a natural reduction in the need for a large number of developers. This trend can lead to budget constraints where clients are unwilling to maintain a large development team. Here’s how this situation might evolve and what developers can do to adapt:

1. Consolidation and Downsizing:

  • Smaller, More Specialized Teams: Clients may move towards maintaining smaller, more specialized development teams. These teams would consist of highly skilled developers who can handle complex issues, perform strategic work, and step in when more significant changes are needed.
  • Outsourcing or Contract Work: Instead of keeping a large in-house team, clients might prefer to outsource development work or hire developers on a contract basis for specific projects or when needs arise.

2. Transition to Hybrid Roles:

  • Cross-Functional Roles: Developers might transition into more hybrid roles that combine development with other functions, such as business analysis, project management, or DevOps. This would allow them to stay relevant by taking on a broader range of responsibilities.
  • Shift to Product Management: Some developers might transition into product management roles, where they focus on aligning the platform’s features with business goals, working closely with both clients and technical teams to guide the product’s evolution.

3. Focus on Value-Added Services:

  • Consulting and Advisory Roles: As traditional development work decreases, developers could move into consulting or advisory roles, helping clients make strategic decisions about their ServiceNow implementations, optimize their use of the platform, and plan for future needs.
  • Training and Enablement: Developers could focus on training clients’ internal teams, enabling them to handle more of the routine configuration and support tasks themselves. This approach could involve creating comprehensive training programs or offering ongoing coaching and support.

4. Pivot to New Technologies or Platforms:

  • Expanding Skill Set: Developers could pivot to new technologies or platforms that are in higher demand. This might involve learning about other enterprise software platforms, cloud computing, AI/ML, or cybersecurity, where there may be more opportunities.
  • Adapting to New Roles: As the landscape changes, developers may need to adapt by taking on roles in emerging areas such as AI, data science, or even areas outside traditional IT, like digital transformation or business process reengineering.

5. Becoming a Niche Expert:

  • Specialization: Developers could focus on becoming experts in a niche area within the ServiceNow ecosystem, such as security, AI/ML integration, or advanced analytics. By becoming the go-to expert in a specific area, they could maintain their relevance even as general development needs decrease.
  • Certified Specialist: Earning specialized certifications in high-demand areas could help developers stand out and secure roles that require deeper expertise, even if the overall demand for developers decreases.

6. Building Long-Term Relationships:

  • Client Relationships: Developers who can build strong relationships with clients and demonstrate a deep understanding of their business needs may be retained as trusted advisors or key personnel, even if the number of developers overall is reduced.
  • Strategic Partnering: Developers could partner with consulting firms or other service providers, offering their expertise as part of a broader service package. This can provide stability and new opportunities as the market shifts.

7. Emphasizing Continuous Learning and Adaptability:

  • Lifelong Learning: The ability to continuously learn and adapt to new tools, technologies, and methodologies will be crucial. Developers who are proactive about learning and expanding their skill sets will be better positioned to transition into new roles as the industry evolves.
  • Adaptability: Being adaptable and open to change will be key. Whether it’s moving into a different area of IT, taking on a hybrid role, or even considering new industries, adaptability will help developers navigate this changing landscape.

The trend towards OOTB solutions and minimal customization, combined with budget constraints, will likely lead to a reduction in the number of traditional developer roles. However, developers who are willing to adapt by embracing hybrid roles, specializing in niche areas, or transitioning to new technologies will still find opportunities. The focus will be on delivering strategic value, whether through consulting, advisory roles, or by becoming experts in emerging fields. Those who can anticipate and prepare for these changes will be best positioned to thrive in this evolving environment.

Looking at future trend, it seems there might be very uncertain future in ServiceNow for developers at the end and they will have to switch over to new or other technologies to survive, which is not a good thing at all. By now, we all should understand the concern, and it’s a valid one. The rapid evolution of platforms like ServiceNow towards low-code/no-code environments, combined with clients’ increasing preference for OOTB solutions, does indeed suggest that the traditional role of developers in this space is shrinking. This situation creates a dilemma for developers who have invested years of effort and expertise into mastering the platform.

The Reality of Technological Evolution:

  1. Technology Lifecycle: It's important to recognize that this is a natural part of the technology lifecycle. Many platforms and technologies go through phases where they initially require extensive development and customization, but as they mature, the focus shifts towards stability, ease of use, and widespread adoption—often at the expense of custom development.

  2. Demand for Flexibility: Clients' focus on quick, cost-effective solutions drives demand for platforms that minimize the need for custom coding. This trend isn't unique to ServiceNow; it's happening across many enterprise platforms.

Potential Futures for Developers:

While the future may seem uncertain, there are ways to navigate this shift:

  1. Leverage Existing Expertise:

    • Strategic Roles: Transition into roles that leverage your deep understanding of the platform, such as solution architecture, consulting, or product management, where you can still influence the direction of projects and decisions.
    • Focus on Integration: Become an expert in integrating ServiceNow with other systems, a space where there is still a need for more complex development work, especially as enterprises seek to create unified digital ecosystems.
  2. Embrace the Change:

    • Adapt to Low-Code/No-Code: Embrace the shift by becoming a leader in low-code/no-code development within ServiceNow. While it may not be as technically challenging as traditional coding, there’s still a need for individuals who can maximize the potential of these tools, create efficient processes, and teach others how to do the same.
    • Explore Emerging Technologies: Look at this as an opportunity to expand your skill set. For example, ServiceNow’s increasing integration of AI/ML provides a new area where developers can apply their skills in ways that go beyond traditional customization.
  3. Future-Proof Your Career:

    • Continuous Learning: While it may seem daunting, continuous learning and adapting to new technologies are essential in any tech career. Transitioning to new technologies or even adjacent areas like AI, cloud computing, or cybersecurity can open up new opportunities.
    • Hybrid Roles: Position yourself in hybrid roles that combine your ServiceNow expertise with other skills, such as data analysis, AI, or even business strategy. This not only broadens your opportunities but also keeps you relevant as the market changes.


The landscape for developers within ServiceNow is indeed changing, and it may not be as developer-centric as it once was. While this shift can be frustrating, it’s also an opportunity to evolve your career in ways that align with the future direction of the industry. It’s not about there being "no future" in ServiceNow, but rather about recognizing that the nature of work within the platform is evolving, and developers must evolve with it to remain relevant.

Transitioning to new roles or technologies doesn’t negate the value of your existing expertise; it’s about building on it in ways that align with where the industry is headed. While challenging, it’s also a chance to broaden your impact and ensure long-term career resilience.

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