Sunday, July 21, 2024

AdSense Eligibility Checker script

AdSense Eligibility Checker

AdSense Eligibility Checker sample project plan and script

Nowadays, we can see there are nice online tools available for checking Google AdSense Eligibility for any website or blog domain. Few of colleague, also showed interest and gave a thought to work as part of hackathon competition. So, overall objectives for this tool involved discussions. Everyone had their points like if the AdSense Eligibility Checker can help users to validate their website for Google AdSense approval. To achieve the primary objective, can this tool examine basic checklist points that publishers might forget before they apply for Google AdSense. We all know how tricky it is to get the AdSense approval. During this process, if basic requirements are not in place, it can lead to rejections, even after so much hard work on projects or blogs. 

Well, first of all AdSense checker tool need to be exceptionally user-friendly. Moreover, the tool just need to capture the user entered domain name in the a specific provided free-form box. And simply, on clicking the 'Start Now' button, the tool, then, should automatically perform all the mandatory checks for Google AdSense approval. Once it verifies the user's website based on entered domain name, it should provide user with the detailed results. Perhaps, at that time, lot of granular things were being considered during discussion. 

But, overall objective for any AdSense Checker tool need to ensure user's website has unique and useful content. It also need to check user had used original content or appropriately licensed content at his website. One of the important thing is that it should also validate if user's website or blog present simple clear menus and easy navigation methods for all website pages or posts. Additionally, it would be great if user's website have a good amount of organic search traffic to their site. We cannot miss one very important point about user's site to avoid any content violating AdSense policies. Preferably, the user's website content need to be in a supported language and region.

As an outcome of the discussion, everyone agree that creating an AdSense Eligibility Checker involves several steps and technical components to ensure that all necessary checks are performed automatically and the results are provided in a very user-friendly manner. As we progressed further, we came with following mentioned high-level outline of how to approach the hackathon project on AdSense Eligibility Checker:

Project Plan for AdSense Eligibility Checker

1. Requirements Gathering

  • Understand all Google AdSense requirements.
  • Define the criteria to be checked by the tool:
    • Unique and useful content.
    • Original or appropriately licensed material.
    • Clear menus and easy navigation.
    • Decent amount of organic traffic.
    • No content violating AdSense policies.
    • Supported language and region.

2. Technology Stack

3. Design and Architecture

  • UI Design: Create a simple and intuitive user interface where users can enter their domain and start the check.
  • Backend Services: Develop RESTful APIs to handle user input, perform checks, and return results.
  • Web Scraping Module: Implement a module to scrape and analyze website content.
  • Traffic Analysis Module: Integrate with external services to fetch traffic data.
  • Policy Check Module: Implement logic to check against AdSense policies.

4. Implementation Steps

  1. Frontend Development:
    • Design a form for users to enter their domain name.
    • Implement the 'Start Now' button to trigger the backend checks.
    • Display the results in a user-friendly manner.
  2. Backend Development:
    • Set up server and database.
    • Create endpoints for receiving domain names and triggering checks.
    • Implement modules for content checking, traffic analysis, and policy compliance.
  3. Web Scraping and Analysis:
    • Use BeautifulSoup/Scrapy to scrape website content.
    • Analyze content for uniqueness and licensing.
    • Check for clear menus and easy navigation.
  4. Traffic Analysis:
  5. Policy Compliance Check:
    • Implement checks for content against AdSense policies.
  6. Testing:
    • Perform unit and integration testing.
    • Conduct user acceptance testing to ensure the tool is user-friendly.

5. Deployment and Maintenance

  • Deploy the application on a cloud platform.
  • Set up monitoring and logging.
  • Plan for regular updates and maintenance.

We don't wanted to bear any cost involved from our side. So, for UI trial, we thought let's try on Blogger. However, for everyone who refer this content, we would like to highlight that the Blogger solution code provided below is a simplified version and doesn't perform actual checks. It's more of a demonstration of how you could structure the tool using HTML and JavaScript within the limitations of Blogger. To create a more functional solution on Blogger, you'd need to rely on external APIs or services to perform the actual checks.

Here's how you can enhance the Blogger solution to include actual functionality using some free or low-cost APIs and client-side JavaScript:

Enhanced Blogger Solution with External APIs

  1. Check for Unique Content

    • Use a plagiarism detection API like Copyscape or any other free plagiarism checker API.
    • Example: Use Plagscan API (requires sign-up and API key).
  2. Check for Clear Navigation

    • Use a simple heuristic to check if the site has a navigation menu.
    • This can be done by fetching the HTML and looking for common navigation elements like <nav>, <ul>, etc.
  3. Check for Organic Traffic

  4. Check for Policy Violations and Supported Language

    • These checks might be more challenging to automate without a backend. You could perform basic checks, such as verifying the language of the website content using client-side libraries.

Example Implementation

Below is an enhanced example that shows how you might start implementing these checks. Note that this example will not be fully functional without actual API integration, but it provides a structure you can build upon:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <title>AdSense Eligibility Checker</title>


        .checker-container {

            max-width: 600px;

            margin: auto;

            padding: 20px;

            border: 1px solid #ddd;

            border-radius: 8px;

            background-color: #f9f9f9;


        input[type="text"] {

            width: calc(100% - 22px);

            padding: 10px;

            margin-bottom: 10px;

            border: 1px solid #ccc;

            border-radius: 4px;


        button {

            padding: 10px 20px;

            background-color: #007bff;

            color: white;

            border: none;

            border-radius: 4px;

            cursor: pointer;


        button:hover {

            background-color: #0056b3;


        #results {

            margin-top: 20px;





    <div class="checker-container">

        <h1>AdSense Eligibility Checker</h1>

        <input type="text" id="domainName" placeholder="Enter your domain name">

        <button onclick="checkEligibility()">Start Now</button>

        <div id="results"></div>



        async function checkEligibility() {

            const domainName = document.getElementById('domainName').value;

            document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = 'Checking...';


            const results = {

                uniqueContent: await checkUniqueContent(domainName),

                clearNavigation: await checkNavigation(domainName),

                organicTraffic: await checkTraffic(domainName),

                noPolicyViolations: checkPolicyViolations(domainName),

                supportedLanguage: await checkLanguage(domainName)


            displayResults(domainName, results);


        async function checkUniqueContent(domain) {

            // Implement API call to a plagiarism checker service

            // Example (pseudo code):

            // const response = await fetch(`${domain}`);

            // return response.isUnique;

            return Math.random() > 0.5; // Placeholder


        async function checkNavigation(domain) {

            // Fetch the HTML of the domain and check for navigation elements

            // Example (pseudo code):

            // const response = await fetch(`${domain}`);

            // const html = await response.text();

            // return html.includes('<nav>') || html.includes('<ul>');

            return Math.random() > 0.5; // Placeholder


        async function checkTraffic(domain) {

            // Use a service like SimilarWeb to get traffic data

            // Example (pseudo code):

            // const response = await fetch(`${domain}/traffic`);

            // return response.visits > 1000; // Arbitrary traffic threshold

            return Math.random() > 0.5; // Placeholder


        function checkPolicyViolations(domain) {

            // Implement basic checks for AdSense policy violations

            // This might require a backend for comprehensive checks

            return Math.random() > 0.5; // Placeholder


        async function checkLanguage(domain) {

            // Use a language detection library to verify the site's language

            // Example (pseudo code):

            // const response = await fetch(`${domain}`);

            // const html = await response.text();

            // const detectedLanguage = detectLanguage(html);

            // return detectedLanguage === 'en'; // Check if language is supported

            return Math.random() > 0.5; // Placeholder


        function displayResults(domain, results) {

            let resultHtml = `<h2>Results for ${domain}</h2>`;

            resultHtml += `<p>Unique Content: ${results.uniqueContent ? 'Yes' : 'No'}</p>`;

            resultHtml += `<p>Clear Navigation: ${results.clearNavigation ? 'Yes' : 'No'}</p>`;

            resultHtml += `<p>Organic Traffic: ${results.organicTraffic ? 'Yes' : 'No'}</p>`;

            resultHtml += `<p>No Policy Violations: ${results.noPolicyViolations ? 'Yes' : 'No'}</p>`;

            resultHtml += `<p>Supported Language: ${results.supportedLanguage ? 'Yes' : 'No'}</p>`;


            document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = resultHtml;






We realized that creating a fully functional AdSense Eligibility Checker in Blogger is challenging due to its limitations. However, with creative use of external APIs and JavaScript, we can implement a more functional solution. If the project scope allows for a small investment, WordPress would be a more robust and flexible platform for such a tool. For cost-effective solutions, leveraging free APIs and client-side checks can help achieve a basic level of functionality suitable for a hackathon or any college project.

We are not going in detail why WordPress is a better choice. While Blogger is easier to start with, it lacks the flexibility and customization options that WordPress provides. For a college project or a hackathon tool, where you need to implement custom functionality like an AdSense Eligibility Checker, WordPress is the better choice. It will give you a more robust platform to work on, and you'll learn valuable skills that are widely applicable in web development. Anyways, as a quick comparison, we can refer the below table for brief differences.

Comparison: WordPress vs. Blogger




Ease of Use

Beginner-friendly with a learning curve

Very beginner-friendly


Highly customizable

Limited customization options

Plugins and Extensions

Extensive library of plugins

Limited plugin support

Development Flexibility

Full control with custom code

Limited development capabilities

Backend Integration

Easy to set up backend with PHP

No backend capabilities

Community and Support

Large community and extensive resources

Smaller community and fewer resources

 Having said that, let's say, if we would like to proceed with WordPress, here’s how you can set up an AdSense Eligibility Checker on WordPress:

Step-by-Step Guide for WordPress

1. Set Up a WordPress Site

  1. Install WordPress: Set up a WordPress site on your chosen hosting provider.
  2. Create a New Page: Go to Pages > Add New and create a new page where you want to embed the AdSense Eligibility Checker.

2. Create a Custom Plugin for Backend Functionality

To handle backend checks, create a custom plugin in WordPress.

  1. Create a Plugin Folder: On your WordPress site, navigate to wp-content/plugins and create a new folder called adsense-eligibility-checker.

  2. Create the Main Plugin File: Inside this folder, create a PHP file named adsense-eligibility-checker.php:



Plugin Name: AdSense Eligibility Checker

Description: A tool to check AdSense eligibility criteria for a website.

Version: 1.0

Author: Your Name


// Enqueue scripts and styles

function adsense_checker_enqueue_scripts() {

    wp_enqueue_script('adsense-checker-script', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'adsense-checker.js', array('jquery'), null, true);

    wp_enqueue_style('adsense-checker-style', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'adsense-checker.css');


add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'adsense_checker_enqueue_scripts'); 

// AJAX handler

function adsense_checker_ajax_handler() {

    $domain = sanitize_text_field($_POST['domain']);     

    // Perform checks (placeholder functions)

    $results = array(

        'uniqueContent' => check_unique_content($domain),

        'clearNavigation' => check_navigation($domain),

        'organicTraffic' => check_traffic($domain),

        'noPolicyViolations' => check_policy_violations($domain),

        'supportedLanguage' => check_language($domain),




add_action('wp_ajax_adsense_checker', 'adsense_checker_ajax_handler');

add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_adsense_checker', 'adsense_checker_ajax_handler'); 

// Placeholder functions for checks

function check_unique_content($domain) { return true; }

function check_navigation($domain) { return true; }

function check_traffic($domain) { return true; }

function check_policy_violations($domain) { return true; }

function check_language($domain) { return true; } 

// Shortcode to display the checker form

function adsense_checker_shortcode() {



    <div class="checker-container">

        <h1>AdSense Eligibility Checker</h1>

        <input type="text" id="domainName" placeholder="Enter your domain name">

        <button id="startNow">Start Now</button>

        <div id="results"></div>



    return ob_get_clean();


add_shortcode('adsense_checker', 'adsense_checker_shortcode');


    3. Create JavaScript File: In the same plugin folder, create a file named adsense-checker.js:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

    $('#startNow').click(function() {

        var domainName = $('#domainName').val();



            url: ajaxurl,

            type: 'POST',

            data: {

                action: 'adsense_checker',

                domain: domainName


            success: function(response) {

                var resultHtml = '<h2>Results for ' + domainName + '</h2>';

                resultHtml += '<p>Unique Content: ' + (response.uniqueContent ? 'Yes' : 'No') + '</p>';

                resultHtml += '<p>Clear Navigation: ' + (response.clearNavigation ? 'Yes' : 'No') + '</p>';

                resultHtml += '<p>Organic Traffic: ' + (response.organicTraffic ? 'Yes' : 'No') + '</p>';

                resultHtml += '<p>No Policy Violations: ' + (response.noPolicyViolations ? 'Yes' : 'No') + '</p>';

                resultHtml += '<p>Supported Language: ' + (response.supportedLanguage ? 'Yes' : 'No') + '</p>'; 



            error: function(error) {

                $('#results').html('Error checking eligibility. Please try again.');

                console.error('Error:', error);






  1. Create CSS File: In the plugin folder, create a file named adsense-checker.css:

body {

    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

    margin: 20px;


.checker-container {

    max-width: 600px;

    margin: auto;

    padding: 20px;

    border: 1px solid #ddd;

    border-radius: 8px;

    background-color: #f9f9f9;


input[type="text"] {

    width: calc(100% - 22px);

    padding: 10px;

    margin-bottom: 10px;

    border: 1px solid #ccc;

    border-radius: 4px;


button {

    padding: 10px 20px;

    background-color: #007bff;

    color: white;

    border: none;

    border-radius: 4px;

    cursor: pointer;


button:hover {

    background-color: #0056b3;


#results {

    margin-top: 20px;


3. Activate the Plugin

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  3. Find the AdSense Eligibility Checker plugin and click Activate.

4. Add the Checker to a Page

  1. Go to the page you created in the first step.
  2. Add the shortcode [adsense_checker] to the page content where you want the checker to appear.
  3. Save and publish the page.

Testing and Enhancing

  • Testing: Visit the page with the checker and test the functionality by entering a domain name and clicking "Start Now".
  • Enhancing: Replace the placeholder functions with real implementations for the checks as described earlier.

Additional Tips

  • SEO Analysis Tools: Integrate with tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs for more detailed traffic analysis.
  • Regular Updates: AdSense policies can change, so regularly update your checks.
  • User Feedback: Collect feedback from users to improve the tool’s usability and accuracy.

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