Friday, May 17, 2024

Redbubble Review | Brief journey with Redbubble

Redbubble Review

I have the habit of trying some new stuff. It may be a simple solution for any technical requirement, a simple art or reading completely different domain subject. This time I tried Redbubble to explore the opportunity it provides online. Being inclined to the arts, I thought it would be interesting to check if we can really set up our shop online and sell our art. So, I created my account on Redbubble. After thinking about a creative name, I configured my shop online. I have already some digital designs created in Canva, which I uploaded with great excitement. Mostly, I chose those designs for all kind of t-shirts, stickers, and a few other categories if the respective design suits the item.

Brief journey with Redbubble

I know I was overexcited at that time to post those designs and see the quick. When I recollect that initial moment and compare it with the recent action from Redbubble as part of my journey, I just can’t believe this really happened to me as well. Well, like other creators, I also started uploading my design. Initially after a few posts, when I observed no activity from any buyer at my shop, I got little bit discouraged. However, I kept on uploading new designs preferably during weekends, when I used to get some time apart from my busy schedule. At that time, it was like a stress buster for me. Occasionally I used to check my email inbox if there was any email from Redbubble.

Redbubble Welcome Email

Later, I realized that I had uploaded similar designs to what other creator’s shops have. So, I thought to upload some designs on completely different topics and theme. This prompted me to think a little bit to be innovative like I do for my IT stuff. And I created a few simple designs with nice effective catchy messages.  Finally, one day, I got an email from Redbubble with the message that I had made a sale. I couldn’t believe that someone really found my design worth and interesting enough to buy. Overall, the order amount was good, but since I had set my margin as 10%, total earnings were according to that margin percentage. Although it was a small amount, the level of excitement thinking of future earning potential just struck my mind. That very first email (as mentioned below) invoked something in me, maybe, sort of a taste of future addiction.

The email was from Redbubble  via    with subject stating as -

You've Made A Sale - <Transaction ID> (AU$<Amount>)

Congratulations on your recent sale on Redbubble. You’re well on your way to becoming a true Redbubble all-star! 

Just think, an admirer of art in Australia picked your work above millions of others. Good thing you’re not getting paid in just warm and fuzzy feelings, right! This message is just to share the good news and all the nitty gritty details of your recent success. 

As soon as the order is printed and shipped we will send you another notification letting you know that your earnings are no longer pending and will be payable. To keep an eye on all your earnings check your Analytics Dashboard or Sales History (please note this could take up to 48 hours to appear in your dashboard). For all things ‘getting paid’ check our Help Centre.

Thanks for a being a member of the Redbubble community of artists and designers, movers and shakers! 

Mr Baxter - Chief Officer of Sending You Good News

Further to Clause 5 of the User Agreement, you may be responsible for sales tax / GST / VAT on sales to customers outside the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway and the UK. 

The current exchange rate of 1AUD = 0.650USD was used for currency conversions. 

Along with the email of sale, Redbubble sends another email as a manufacturing statement stating that no further action is needed from our end. Redbubble has taken care of all steps on our behalf to ship the order to our customer. Sample email goes as below - 

Redbubble via

Manufacturing Statement – <Transaction ID> 

You may remember that you recently made a sale on Redbubble and as promised this is to signify that we have arranged the order to be shipped to your customer. 

We’ve included this statement for the fee incurred for the manufacturing of the product. Bear in mind, this fee has been paid in full on your behalf to the manufacturer and you do not owe any money. 

This statement is solely for your records and no further action is required on your part. Perhaps you can post it on your bulletin as a testament to your hard work and success or perhaps you can put it in the bin for safekeeping, the choice is yours :)

Big love,

Mr Baxter - Head of Numbers

This fee has been paid in full on your behalf.


I was pleased for my first earning with Redbubble. It was a sort of an achievement for me and feeling of huge success about encashing my creativity online. I started receiving regular emails every month which means there were buyers who were really interested in my work. I gradually realized that there was a great potential to attract more buyers. Once I upload more designs on same topic, it can give additional options to buyer at my shop to explore further. So, I followed my plan and it proved to help in more earnings. During this journey, Redbubble would use to send regular updates like below ones from The Redbubble Artist Team. 

For example, update sample 1: 

An Important Update to Your Redbubble Artist Payment Dates


In the coming months we’ll be making some updates to the technology and accounting processes behind artist payments. In preparation, we’re adjusting the date range used to calculate your monthly earnings. There are no changes to the timing for artist payments. Monthly payments will continue to be processed around the 15th. 

Currently, we calculate sales made from the 15th to the 15th. From the start of May we will be switching to a calendar-month period, calculating sales made between the 1st and the 31st.

The April pay run will happen on the 15th, followed by a pay run at the start of May to cover the shorter period of the 16th to the 30th of April. We then switch to calculating sales made from the 1st of the month, and your earnings for May will be processed around the 15th of June. 

Switching to calendar months will make it easier for both artists and Redbubble when it comes to record keeping and reporting, and by making this change at a quieter time of the year we hope to minimize the impact on artists. 

We appreciate your patience and sincerely hope that the new calendar-month payment cycle makes it easier to manage your Redbubble shop. Please visit our Help Center for more information.

For example, update sample 2: 

An Important Update to Your Redbubble Account


Redbubble is introducing a new tier structure for artist accounts, and an account fee for some accounts. We understand that this is a big change for the artist community, so we want to be transparent and clear about what's happening.

The new account tiers are intended to encourage actions that are positive for the marketplace and recognise and reward artists who invest time creating and promoting unique products. From today, your account will be classified as either Redbubble Standard, Redbubble Premium, or Redbubble Pro. You can find your account classification on a new Account tiers and fees page on the Artist Dashboard. 

Redbubble Standard accounts will be subject to an account fee. The fee is a flat fee based on your monthly earnings and only applies if you make a sale. If you make no sales during the payment period you will not be charged a fee, so artists are never out of pocket. The monthly earnings period will begin with orders shipped from the 1st of May, 2023 and end on the last day of each month. As recognition for positive engagement and investment in the Redbubble marketplace, Premium and Pro accounts are exempt from the fee. 

Redbubble Standard accounts will be subject to an account fee. The fee is a flat fee based on your monthly earnings and only applies if you make a sale. If you make no sales during the payment period you will not be charged a fee, so artists are never out of pocket. The monthly earnings period will begin with orders shipped from the 1st of May, 2023 and end on the last day of each month. As recognition for positive engagement and investment in the Redbubble marketplace, Premium and Pro accounts are exempt from the fee.

To help you fully understand these changes and how they will impact your account, we’ve put together these detailed guides: 

Introduction to the new account tiers and fees

How accounts are reviewed and classified

Understanding how the new account fee may apply to you

User Agreement Updates

To reflect the new account tiers and fee for Standard accounts, we have updated our User Agreement. We encourage you to read the new version in full here. These changes will apply to your account as of 1 June, 2023. By continuing to use Redbubble after this date, you are agreeing to accept the new User Agreement. However, if you don’t want to accept the changes, you have the right to end your agreement with Redbubble by deleting your account.

View User Agreement

We’re always grateful for your thoughts and insights. Once you’ve read through the guides, we’d welcome your feedback via this link. If you have any questions about your account or need any assistance, please feel free to contact us via the Help Center.

Sometimes there is any new modifications in payment structure. Redbubble keep us updated sharing details about new payment structure. The change can be in terms if payment threshold value, payment dates per month or yearly payment revisions. Regularly, I also received updates like one as below:


Changes to the Yearly Artist Payment


We wanted to share an important update about the yearly artist payment.

Redbubble has a payment threshold of $20/20€/£20. If your earnings meet or exceed this threshold, you receive payments each month. For artists who have earned over $2/2€/£2 but have not reached the $20/20€/£20 threshold, we make a yearly artist payment. 

Earlier this year, we made changes to the payment period. Previously, each artist payment included sales from the 15th of one month to the 15th of the next. With the new changes, artist payments are now based on the calendar month. 

Due to this shift in payment periods, we will be moving the yearly artist payment to January 2024. This adjustment ensures that artists who haven't reached the threshold will be paid for any December sales and won't have to wait until the following year. 

To ensure a seamless payment process we ask you to review and confirm your payment details, so you don't miss out on your well-deserved earnings.

What is the Artist Payment Threshold?

Where can I check my outstanding balance?

How to verify your PayPal account

How Standard account fees may impact the Payment Threshold

Congratulations on your sales, and thanks again for being a part of Redbubble. Now go and check those details so we can make sure you get paid! 

Redbubble also sends email addressing your shop name with summarized updates as recap information. It might have new updates on fee structure or payment revision details. It can also include new updated guidelines or terms and conditions. For example, as below one:

An Important Update from Redbubble


Hello <shop name>,

In 2023 we made significant improvements to the Redbubble marketplace, thanks in large part to feedback from you and your customers. To recap, here are just some of the ways we’ve made changes to create a healthier platform.

• Implemented additional proactive measures to decrease the volume of low quality designs and fraudulent accounts that may crowd out legitimate artists and designers.

• Changed the way tagging works to reduce tag spamming and further improve relevance of search results for your customers.

• Implemented additional AI and machine learning tools to detect copycat and stolen designs to prevent them from getting onsite.

• Upgraded over 22 thousand accounts from Standard to Premium due to various signals such as uploading new designs, engagement with the marketplace, and reaching a sales threshold. 

We are dedicated to providing more value to our artist community and continuing to roll out updates and features that will ultimately help you to generate more sales. As part of our commitment to improving the marketplace, we will be updating the account fee structure that is charged to Redbubble Standard accounts. 

This will include a fee increase of less than $1 for most artists. The fee will continue to be a flat fee based on monthly earnings and only applies if you make a sale. Based on feedback, we have expanded the number of earnings brackets so that someone who earned $100 is not paying the same fee as someone who earned $150. View the new fee table here. 

As a reminder, these fees will only apply if you successfully sell products on the Redbubble Marketplace during the earnings period, so artists are never out of pocket. 

The updated fees will apply to the monthly earnings period beginning with orders shipped from February 1st 2024 and will be reflected in the pay run of March 15th 2024. 

As the account tiers and fees are meant to recognise and reward artists who invest time in creating and promoting unique products that resonate with their customers, Premium and Pro accounts remain exempt from the fee. If you’d like to request a re-review of your account tier, please complete this form. And for tips on how to improve your account to qualify as Premium, take a look at this blog post.

You can find the updated fee table in the following resources: 

Understanding how the account fee may apply to you

How is my payment calculated?

Do I have to pay to have a Redbubble account?

You can also find a record of any account fees assessed in previous pay cycles on the Account Tiers and Fees page in the Dashboard.

We are dedicated to making Redbubble the best place on the internet for artists, and we truly appreciate all that you bring to the marketplace. Thank you for being the best part about Redbubble.

Additionally, Redbubble share quarterly basis Sales History details. The transaction details may include data for any of three months like for example Oct to Dec of that particular year. Sample email which I used to get was like one of below format: 

Sales History


 Please find your Sales History for Oct 01 - Dec 31 2023 attached. This includes all finalized sales, with details on what sold, at what price, and what your cut is. 

If you have any questions about these documents or their contents, please contact our help center. 

Check out up-to-date sales and earnings on your Dashboard. 

The sales history also includes an excel attachment showing detailed information on following attributes:

Order Date

Ship Date

Work Order #


Fulfilment Country              

Destination Country

Destination State



Retail Price (USD)          

Manufacturing Price (USD)        

Artist Margin (USD

Suddenly one day I received an unexpected email stating that my Redbubble account has been suspended due to few reasons like fraudulent activity, designs created by me may not be original or inaccurate quality etc. Additionally, few reasons might be totally strange like Redbubble account might be associated to a disabled account or may be the account might be operated by person who is less than 16 years of age. 

Within the same email, Redbubble also gives final warning not to open any new account as they may again suspend your account if found to any way related to usernames and email addresses of previous accounts in suspend state. All our friends who got suspended might have received sample email as below:

Your Redbubble account has been suspended – <your shop name>


Hello <your name>,

We’re writing to let you know that your account has been suspended.

Accounts may be suspended for the following reasons:

• There was fraudulent activity connected to the account.

• The products listed in the shop may not have been originally created by the user, such as mass produced art reproductions, stock images, or vector packs.

• The shop may have contained products that could be misleading to consumers, such as claiming to be products not offered on the Redbubble marketplace or possessing inaccurate qualities or materials not offered on Redbubble.

• The account was created after an associated account was disabled.

• The account was found to be owned or operated by someone under 16 years of age.

More information:


Why was my account suspended?

Can my suspended account be reinstated?

Redbubble Policies

User Agreement

Intellectual Property and Publicity Rights Policy

Community & Content Guidelines

Do not attempt to open another account. Usernames and email addresses found to be connected to a suspended account will be disabled.

Thank you for understanding,


As you can see Redbubble also sends links of FAQs and policies wherein you can explore the underlying reasons of your account moved to suspend state. And whether you have any chance to reinstate your Redbubble account. Before you do try to reinstate your account, you should also read carefully about Redbubble’s User Agreement, Intellectual Property and Publicity Rights policy as well as Content guidelines. This will help to understand better about actual reasons and chances of getting your Redbubble account to active state.

Submit a request to Redbubble

Eventually, keeping some hope, I thought let’s give it a try and request for account reinstatement. While I was filling in the form, I was not so confident as if I already knew the outcome of my request. Soon I got the acknowledgement that the request to reinstate Redbubble account has been submitted. In case my appeal is eligible, I will get my account reinstated within two weeks. However, without patience, if I reapply the request multiple times, that will not improve any chance of reinstatement. So, let’s keep patience during that period. You can see following sample email acknowledging my request to Redbubble: 

Suspended Account Appeal


Hi ,

Your request for account reinstatement has been submitted.

A few things to keep in mind:

• If your account is reinstated, you should receive a response within two weeks.

• Submitting multiple requests, forms, or responding to this email will not improve your chances for reinstatement and could make your appeal ineligible.

• Please ensure that all of the required information in the Appeals Request Form has been included to prevent any delays — the information you provide will help us with our investigation process.

If your request is reviewed by someone from our specialized team, we will let you know in a separate email.

In the meantime, please review the following published policies:

User Agreement

Intellectual Property and Publicity Rights Policy

Repeat Infringer Policy

Thanks again for your patience and understanding.

As you can see in the above acknowledgement, Redbubble again shares the links of User Agreement details and policies on Intellectual Property, Publicity Rights and Repeat Infringer. So, they request to review this content while waiting for response from Redbubble on account reinstatement. As I had expected, I received a final response from Redbubble, which was not a surprise for me! Redbubble updated that they reviewed my appeal, but my account can’t be reinstated as they found it as not eligible due on of the reasons about fraudulent activity, violation of User Agreement, Published Content policies or relation with disabled account. You can below sample email which I received from Redbubble:

[Redbubble] Re: Important words about your Redbubble account


Your request has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.

E.F at RedBubble (Redbubble)

Hi <your shop name>,

Thank you for getting in touch with Redbubble.

Your appeal has been reviewed and your account is not eligible for reinstatement.

Your account may have been suspended for one of the following reasons:

• There was fraudulent activity connected to the account;

• the account was found to be in violation of our User Agreement and/or other published content policies;

• the account was connected to a previously disabled account.

Please do not attempt to open another account. Usernames and email addresses suspected of being connected to a removed account will also be disabled.

Thank you for understanding.

E.F at RedBubble

Marketplace Trust and Experience Team

One thing I forgot to mention here. Being an occasional visitor to Redbubble, I mean I used to only visit to upload my designs and most of the time, I used to only check the updates through my emails. My inbox shows the regular updates of my Sales on Redbubble. Gradually, I never thought of withdrawing my balance to my PayPal account. I know, you might also feel the same state of emotional mind which just can’t express anything except regret. As of now, I will not tell you the amount which I lost in Redbubble account. Perhaps, next time in any other similar article.

Anyways, it was a great creative as well as financial learning which will help me act smart in future. I hope you also might have learned a few important lessons from my journey. One thing, I would like to emphasize that please try to use your own original art in any of your digital art and strictly follow guidelines set by the host site instead of regretting it later!

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