Friday, March 08, 2024

What is velocity in agile?

Velocity in Agile

Velocity in Agile

In Agile development, velocity refers to the average amount of work a team can complete within a single iteration, typically a sprint. It's a metric used to gauge a team's capacity and predict future performance.

Here's a breakdown of what velocity is and how it's used in Agile:

  • Measurement:  Velocity in Agile is typically measured in units of effort assigned to user stories or backlog items. These units can be story points, ideal hours, or any other system that reflects the relative complexity or effort involved in completing a work item.
  • Calculation:  After each sprint, the team calculates its velocity by summing the effort units of all completed user stories. This provides a snapshot of the team's average capacity for that particular sprint.
  • Benefits:  Tracking velocity in Agile offers several advantages:

    • Improved planning: By understanding their velocity, teams can make more realistic estimates for the number of user stories they can complete in future sprints. This helps with project planning and stakeholder expectations.
    • Performance tracking: Monitoring velocity over time allows teams to identify trends and assess their efficiency. They can then make adjustments to their processes or workload to improve performance.
    • Team motivation: Seeing velocity increase can be a morale booster for teams. It demonstrates their growing efficiency and ability to deliver value.

Here's an example of how velocity in Agile is calculated:

  • Imagine a team completes user stories with a total of 20 story points in their first sprint. Their initial velocity would be 20 story points per sprint.
  • In subsequent sprints, the team might complete 22 story points, then 18 story points. By tracking this data, they can get a sense of their average velocity and use it to inform future planning.

It's important to remember that velocity in agile is not a fixed number. It can fluctuate based on various factors like:

  • Team composition and skillsets
  • Complexity of user stories
  • External dependencies
  • Unexpected challenges

While velocity is a valuable metric, it shouldn't be the sole focus. Agile emphasizes continuous improvement, and the goal is to use velocity to guide planning and identify areas for improvement, not to pressure teams to deliver an unrealistic amount of work.

* Team velocity in agile:

Team velocity in Agile is all about understanding the average amount of work a development team can complete within a single iteration, typically a sprint. It's a key metric used for:

  • Planning: Knowing your team's velocity helps make realistic estimations for future sprints. This ensures project plans and stakeholder expectations are grounded in data.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitoring velocity over time allows you to see trends and assess your team's efficiency. This can help identify areas for improvement or celebrate progress.
  • Team Motivation: Seeing velocity increase can be a morale booster, demonstrating the team's growing efficiency in delivering value.

Here's a deeper dive into team velocity:

  • Measurement:  Team velocity is typically measured in units of effort assigned to user stories or backlog items. These units can be story points (a popular choice), ideal hours, or any system reflecting the relative complexity or effort involved.
  • Calculation:  After each sprint, the team calculates velocity by summing the effort units of all completed user stories. This provides a snapshot of the team's average capacity for that particular sprint.

For example, imagine a team completes user stories with a total of 20 story points in their first sprint. Their initial velocity would be 20 story points per sprint. In subsequent sprints, the team might complete 22 story points, then 18 story points. By tracking this data, they get a sense of their average velocity and use it to inform future planning.

  • Factors Affecting Velocity:  It's important to remember that team velocity is not a fixed number. It can fluctuate based on various factors like:
    • Team Composition and Skillsets: A team with a strong mix of skills and experience might have a higher velocity compared to a team with skill gaps.
    • Complexity of User Stories: More complex user stories naturally require more effort, leading to lower velocity in that sprint.
    • External Dependencies: If a team relies on external factors beyond their control, like waiting for third-party approvals, it can impact velocity.
    • Unexpected Challenges: Unforeseen issues during development can also cause velocity to fluctuate.
  • Using Team Velocity Effectively: While a valuable metric, team velocity shouldn't be the sole focus. Agile emphasizes continuous improvement. The goal is to use velocity to:
    • Guide planning: Use velocity to set realistic targets for future sprints, considering team capacity and workload.
    • Identify areas for improvement: If velocity dips, analyze the reasons and see if process adjustments or additional training can help.
    • Manage expectations: Communicate velocity to stakeholders with transparency, explaining that it's a dynamic measurement.

By understanding and effectively using team velocity, Agile teams can achieve better planning, improved performance, and ultimately, deliver more value consistently.

* How to calculate velocity in agile?

Calculating team velocity in Agile is a straightforward process that involves summing up the effort units of completed user stories within a sprint. Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

  • Identify Effort Units:
    • Agile teams assign effort units to each user story in the product backlog. These units represent the relative effort required to complete the story. Popular options for effort units include story points (e.g., 1 point for small tasks, 5 points for medium complexity, and 8 points for highly complex tasks) or ideal hours (estimated time to complete the story under ideal conditions).
  • Track Completed User Stories:
    • Throughout the sprint, keep track of all user stories that are successfully completed and meet the acceptance criteria. This typically involves maintaining a sprint backlog that reflects the team's progress.
  • Sum the Effort Units:
    • Once the sprint is finished, add up the effort units assigned to all the completed user stories. This total represents the team's velocity for that particular sprint.

Here's an example to illustrate the calculation:

  • Sprint Backlog:
    • User Story 1: 5 story points (e.g., implement login functionality)
    • User Story 2: 8 story points (e.g., develop product search feature)
    • User Story 3: 3 story points (e.g., design and implement error handling)
  • If all three user stories are completed by the end of the sprint, the team's velocity for that sprint would be:
    •   Total Velocity = Story Points (User Story 1) + Story Points (User Story 2) + Story Points (User Story 3)

                                            = 5 points + 8 points + 3 points

                                            = 16 story points

Important Considerations for velocity in agile:

  • Focus on Completed User Stories: Only consider user stories that are fully finished and meet all acceptance criteria when calculating velocity. Partially completed stories shouldn't be included.
  • Velocity is a Snapshot: The velocity you calculate represents the team's capacity for that specific sprint. It can vary across different sprints due to factors like team composition, user story complexity, and unforeseen challenges.
  • Use Velocity for Future Planning: Knowing your team's average velocity from past sprints is valuable for estimating the number of user stories they can realistically complete in upcoming sprints. This helps with creating achievable sprint goals and setting expectations with stakeholders.

By consistently calculating and monitoring team velocity, Agile teams gain valuable insights into their capacity and can make informed decisions for future iterations.

* Capacity vs velocity in agile:

Both capacity and velocity are important concepts in Agile project management, but they represent different aspects of a team's ability to deliver work. Here's a breakdown of the key differences:


  • Definition:  Capacity refers to the total amount of work a team can complete within a sprint. It's an estimate of the team's availability for development tasks during the sprint timeframe.
  • Calculation:  Capacity is typically measured in time units like hours or days. You can calculate it by considering:
    • Total available team hours per sprint (accounting for vacations, meetings, etc.)
    • Team member skillsets and experience
    • Any known external dependencies
  • Example:  A team of 5 developers has a total of 160 working hours per sprint. There's a team meeting every day for 1 hour, reducing available development time to 120 hours. This is the team's capacity for development work within that sprint.


  • Definition:  Velocity represents the average amount of work a team has completed within a sprint. It's a historical metric based on the effort units of completed user stories.
  • Calculation:  Velocity is typically measured in effort units assigned to user stories (e.g., story points, ideal hours). To calculate it, sum the effort units of all completed user stories in a sprint.
  • Example:  In a previous sprint, the same team completed user stories with a total of 20 story points. Their velocity for that sprint is 20 story points.

How They Work Together:

  • Planning: Understanding both capacity and velocity helps with sprint planning. Consider the team's capacity (available hours) and their average velocity (completed work in past sprints) to set realistic goals for the upcoming sprint. Don't overload the team by assigning a workload exceeding their capacity.
  • Adapting: If the team's capacity changes due to unforeseen circumstances, you might need to adjust the sprint backlog to ensure it aligns with the available capacity. Velocity from past sprints can be a reference point for making these adjustments.
  • Communication: Communicate both capacity and velocity to stakeholders transparently. Explain that capacity is an estimate, and velocity can fluctuate based on various factors.

In essence:

  • Capacity is your estimated runway for the sprint, considering available time and resources.
  • Velocity is the historical average mileage achieved in past sprints, indicating the team's average output.

By understanding and utilizing both capacity and velocity effectively, Agile teams can create achievable sprint plans, adapt to changing circumstances, and deliver value consistently.

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