Tuesday, December 05, 2023

How to maintain a healthy work life balance

How to maintain a healthy work life balance

Healthy Work Life Balance

Technology has transformed the manner we live nowadays. Gone are those days when you left your workplace and connected with it only the next day at work. These days, it is hard to achieve switch off from work the moment one headed for home. 

Today’s mobile, internet and other communication technology means a continuous connection with our work, personal and social lives 24x7. Colleagues tend to expect one to be online all the time. You are expected to be available over the phone too. 

Whilst there are a lot of advantages of being connected and of being aware of what's happening all times, it has brought with it newer challenges in terms of work-life balance. Nowadays, most of the time, the work-life balance is hard to achieve. The work-life balance is now a kind of an enigma for us.

Physical office gates do not delimit the work-space any more, but we must create boundaries and prioritize our personal lives. The physical boundaries of the work and home have now become symbolic boundaries and one needs to adapt to this change by clearly defining their boundaries for themselves. 

Try to adapt to this new paradigm by integrating your work, personal and social lives so that you can keep your boundaries dynamic. It is essential that one decides and enforces limits on connectivity for themselves barring the odd emergency. This will help to adapt to the changing needs and thus cherish best of both the worlds. 

Disconnect and shut down the laptop. Resist the temptation to check your emails and messages on the cell. Make space for loved ones and friends, who deserve our undivided time and attention. It is essential for our health and our relationships. Those interactions will energize you to be more productive at work the next day.

While it is important to do succeed in our professional lives, we need to find our own outlet outside of work that gives us personal satisfaction and happiness. Live in the moment and make the most of it. Most of us experience several bursts of ups and downs, excitement and fun filled moments in our life. These moments make a big difference. 

You should always try to create such moments, that you can cherish long after. Time with family is precious. Watching movies and spending time with loved ones can help you to unwind and recharge. Try few simple things like pray together, take care of your beloveds, cook meal over weekends and enjoy a drink with your friends. 

Do them in a disciplined manner. Surround yourself with happy, positive people and that can act as a stress buster. Try to build deep personal connects. Network of friends help to relax especially when, at times, official challenges tend to dampen your enthusiasm. These things seem simple; however these can prove really effective in your life.

It is ironical that the 'always-connected' environment has deprived us of our work-life. As per Nigel Marsh, author of Fat, Forty, and Fired: "It’s up to us as individuals to take control and responsibility for the type of lives that we want to lead. If we don't design our life, then someone else may just design it for us, and we may not like their idea of balance." 

Nigel goes on to add: "as long as you have work and personal life, there is and always will be a work life balance issue and we will continue to struggle with." Hence small steps and small things do matter like quality time spent with your family and friends, adopting a healthy lifestyle and pursuing your interests - music, sports, photography, wildlife, books, creative writing, theatre, and life enrichment in general.

Once you 'acknowledge' the life, set 'realistic expectations' and adopt a 'smart and balanced' approach towards 'work' and 'personal life', life will not be only balancing but fuelling and energizing your work. You can neither buy this balance nor can you delegate it to someone else, hence try to find your own balancing rhythm or interest(s). 

Start participating in athletics and swimming. It can make you feel energetic and enthusiastic. Read books of your flavor. It can boost you at both intellectual and emotional levels. Music can help you stay calm. 

Travels can help you to broaden your horizons and understand diverse cultures. Cycling can help you to stay fit and active. Your camera can prove to be your best buddy. It can help to trigger your creativity. Most importantly, your family, kids and friends can give you all the passion and enthusiasm to always keep you going. 

In short, there is a need to blend the work and personal life so that you may enjoy a balanced life.

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