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Thursday, April 09, 2015

ServiceNow: Steps of Scheduled Email for an existing report not capturing in local updateset

ServiceNow Steps of Scheduled Email

In ServiceNow, when we create a Scheduled Email for an existing report, and look forward to capture related steps as part of an updateset, please be aware that Scheduled Email steps are not captured. This seems to be ServiceNow drawback or limitation. All steps related to the Scheduled Email of Report need to be separately captured in an independent file. Otherwise those steps need to be manually applied in destination ServiceNow environment. 

Scheduled Email record can be separately saved in XML format file and then same XML file can be imported back into the destination ServiceNow environment to implement the Scheduled Email for an existing report. 

So initially below steps should be followed to export and save Scheduled Email record as XML file
  • Open Scheduled Email of Report
  • Right click on list header Scheduled Email of Report and select Export à XML (This Record)
  • Save the XML Document in local folder of your machine
Once XML file is created, below steps should be followed to import the XML file which will apply all steps to implement Scheduled Email for ServiceNow report

To import the XML file as Scheduled Email record in destination environment, elevated privileges access is needed. Hence select the elevated privileges (lock) icon beside user name. In the ‘Activate an Elevated Privilege’ dialog box, select the ‘security_admin’ check box and click OK. Now proceed further to import XML file using below steps
  • Go to Reports à Scheduled Reports
  • In the destination environment, right click on list header on Scheduled Email of Reports page and select “Import XML”.
  • Browse and select the XML Document in local folder of your machine and click Upload.
Similar kind of situation arises in case of Scheduled Jobs in ServiceNow.


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