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Thursday, July 05, 2012

Problem: FileMaker Pro asking password for FileMaker external server accounts

FileMaker external server accounts

FileMaker external server accounts

FileMaker Pro users can be authenticated via an external server if FileMaker Pro database files are hosted on FileMaker Server. In such case,  the authentication of users and groups for e.g. Apple Open Directory or Windows Domain are managed in centrally-managed authentication server environment. Based on authentication server active directory groups, external server accounts can be set up in FileMaker Pro database files. 

Unlike FileMaker account type, there is no need to manage an independent list of user accounts in each of the FileMaker Pro database files in case of external server accounts. The external authentication server can be used to control access to database files hosted by FileMaker Server. It is important to note here that files which are not hosted on FileMaker Server but shared by FileMaker Pro cannot be authenticated using an external authentication  server.

In FileMaker Pro, groups are defined as account of “External Server” type with needed privilege set using “New” option in File > Manage > Accounts & Privileges. The name of active directory group and account name in FileMaker Pro are kept same. For e.g. If there is an Windows active directory group “FMP_ReadOnly”, account (of type External Server) with same name need to be created in FileMaker Pro with a privilege set having appropriate permission to records, layouts, value lists, scripts etc. For “Account is authenticated via” value field, there are two options viz. FileMaker and External Server. In this case, “External Server” should be selected.

While setting up external server account, two important options (as mentioned below) should be selected without fail. If they are not selected FileMaker Pro ask password for FileMaker external server account.

1.       In FileMaker Pro, during external server account set up, “Access via FileMaker Network (fmapp)” option should be selected in Extended Privileges list of that account. This can be checked through Edit Privilege Set option. External server account users will not be able to access that FileMaker Pro database file which has this option unselected.

2.      To authenticate users against external server, “FileMaker and external server accounts” option should be selected on FileMaker Server side. To choose this option, below steps need to be followed.

a.      Login FileMaker Server Admin Console
b.      Go to FileMaker Server Overview Ã  Database Server
c.       In Database Server, go to Security tab. On Security tab, “FileMaker and external server accounts” option is present in Client Authentication section. Make sure that this option is kept selected. If not selected, all external server account users will be asked for login password and will not be allowed to access any of FileMaker Pro databases

If above options are set properly and still FileMaker Pro is asking the password for external server accounts, following points need to checked.
  • Make sure if user id is working properly in authentication server
  • Make sure if the network connection is proper in case all users are affected
  • Make sure authentication server is working fine in case all users are affected



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